Daniele Rosselini and Nadia Riguccini started Campinuovi in 2000. After extensive research in different areas of Tuscany, they identified in the land the perfect spot to turn their dream—producing an “authentic wine” with a personality deriving from the connection between the land and human labor—into reality. The core business is viticulture, followed by a small production of honey and extra-virgin olive oil. Daniele holds a degree in Agricultural Science and specializes in Viticulture and Oenology. He has years of experience winemaking. Both of Nadia’s parents are farmers who passed their passion to her from childhood. She holds a degree in Agricultural Science and her major interests are organic farming and biodynamic agriculture. She also has a second degree in Herbal Medicine. They run the business together, from the vineyard to the sales & marketing. Campinuovi is a hilly and unspoiled land, surrounded by woods, olive groves and vineyards, where the Monte Amiata hills slope to the Maremma plain and the sea can be seen on the horizon. A small estate with a faithful expression of the terroir.