In 1969 the Dubini family bought the property “Palazzone.”  The name of the estate refers to a 13th century palazzo that still stands on a hill at the heart of the property. Today converted to a spectacular guesthouse, it originally fulfilled the same role for prelates and other worthies on their way to medieval Rome. Angelo Dubini decided to plant 62 acres to vines of varieties that he expected would make wine of great complexity and character. In 1982 his two sons, Giovanni and Lodovico, made the first vintage from these grapes. In1988 they constructed a winery to process all their own grapes and also and began “Palazzone” wine, now regarded as one of the most significant labels in Umbria. Today, Giovanni Dubini runs his family estate with a firm but light touch, conscious of his role as a guardian of the soil, as much as its owner. A long history makes it clear that we are all stewards rather than heirs. The wines are a happy blend of traditional taste and a modicum of modern technique (refrigerated tanks). They are balanced and fresh, beautiful on their own, but really destined for the table.