Located in a charming 18th century house in the Piedmont region of Barolo by the historic center of Verduno, the winery was founded at the beginning of the 19th century and has been in the Alessandria family since 1870. The 30-acre estate boasts choice holdings in Verduno and Monforte and in the past was recognized for its forward-thinking and technical innovation. Today, it could be fairly regarded as a very traditional producer always striving for excellence. Fratelli Alessandria produces wines from their own grapes only and has remained a family run business.  Today, owner Gian Battista rules in the vineyards, while his son Vittore and his brother Alessandro are in charge of the winery. Together they proudly carry on their ancestors’ tradition and passion for wine making. They have a direct and personal relationship with each vineyard and each cask. They recognize an invisible thread that connects the two and hope it will reach and move consumers as well. “A great wine comes from a great vineyard” has always been Gian Battista’s firm belief. In the winery, they aim at preserving that quality and potential.