Sébastien Cornille founded Domaine de la Roche Bleue in Jasnières in 2007. In the years that followed, Sébastien acquired additional parcels, both in the appellation of Jasnières and in the surrounding larger, and commonly considered lesser, appellation of Côteaux du Loir. These are the two northernmost and coldest appellations in the greater Loire Valley. Today the appellation of Jasnières is comprised of two communes and 161 acres of vines, while the surrounding appellation of Côteaux du Loir encompasses 16 communes and 198 acres. Starting in 2010, Sébastien embarked upon organic viticulture. Certification came three years later, and today he works organically and employs some biodynamic methods. His focus is on making wines as transparently as possible with minimal intervention. Today he farms 18.5 acres spread across 29 parcels. Of that acreage, 7 are in Jasnières, a uniform hillside facing south-southwest over the broad Loir Valley, and 11.5 are in Côteaux du Loir.