Tenuta di Ghizzano was founded in 1370 when the Venerosi Pesciolini family settled in the Colline Pisane area, on the coast of Tuscany near Pisa. For 26 generations, the family has been growing vines, olive trees & cereals with a deep respect for tradition & terroir. Since 1996 Countess Ginevra Venerosi Pesciolini, who was born and raised in Pisa, has run the estate. Her vision was to bring her family’s historic estate into the twenty-first century by introducing organic and sustainable farming practices. They have been certified organic sine 2003 & certified biodynamic since 2008. “I like to consider myself a ‘natural winemaker,”‘ says Ginevra. “In other words, I try to allow my wines to express their terroir as purely and as honestly as possible.”
Tenuta di Ghizzano Il Ghizzano
Tenuta di Ghizzano Nambrot
Tenuta di Ghizzano Veneroso