Lionel Gosseaume is a 3rd generation winegrower. He grew up in his family’s vineyard, and in 2007 he returned home and acquired his own 22-acre vineyard from his father’s friend, Jean-Claude. Jean-Claude lived for his vines and he still works in the vineyard today, teaching Lionel what he has learned in a lifetime in winemaking. To make lovely wine, you naturally have to manage the winemaking process, but first you need to know every acre of your vines so you can grow wonderful grapes. Some of his vines are very old, but the average age is about 25 years.

“Sologne is a small and historic region of France very well-known for hunting. And for its Chateau of Chambord…This region is close to the region of Touraine. And my estate is located at the frontier of these two historic regions of France: we call this frontier “Sologne Viticole” (Vineyards of Sologne). The soils of Sologne and Sologne Viticole are very poor (not very fertile); they are mainly composed of sands. It’s known as the country of the goats and the vines. That’s why our white wines are nice with goat cheeses (my grand-mother, the mother of my mother, was a goat breeder and she made lovely goat cheese!). That’s the story of Sologne” – Lionel Gosseaume