Villa Dora is the passion of Vincenzo Ambrosio, and it is his enthusiasm for this estate and the striking wines grown here that has made the project possible. Villa Dora began commercial wine product in 1997, when Vincenzo refurbished the winery and rejuvenated the estate’s 70+ year old vineyards, many of which have survived the 3 latest eruptions of Mt. Vesuvius (1906, 1929 and 1945). Now his equally enthusiastic nephew Vincenzo Orabona is the contact with the estate; bottling the component varieties of Vesuvio like Piedirosso and Caprettone separately was his idea, and a good one. Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano just east of Naples, and the organically farmed vineyards of Villa Dora are on the lower slopes of the volcano, inside the national park that surrounds it.