In 2015 two historic co-operatives, the Vignerons de Caractère in Vacqueyras and the Vignerons de Balma Venitia in Beaumes- de-Venise united to form Rhonéa. While Rhonéa farms about 2800 acres, that total divided among their 236 vignerons works out to less than 12 acres per person. All Rhonéa vignerons work long hours meticulously tending their vines, vintage after vintage. They use age-old methods, but also follow the advice of Rhonéa viticultural experts whom they are free to consult throughout the growing season. They are enthusiastic winemakers who are proud of their vineyards and share the same passion for making fine wine. The most natural way of growing grapes is always preferred, input products are used as little as possible, and biodiversity a major consideration. Rhonéa believes in letting the personality of each one come through to produce polished, elegant wines. In addition to making wonderful cuvées, Rhonéa bottles the best growers’ wines under their domain name.